Too many leaders still don’t believe that lack of diversity and bias are real problems.
They don’t see the need for change.
But unconscious bias and a lack of inclusion hurt everyone.
They limit innovation. They stifle creativity. They reduce profits.
In this clip from our Inclusive Exec Series, entrepreneur, tech executive Jenifer Clausell-Tormos shares her experience as founder of media darling Develop Diverse
Getting funding for Develop Diverse was an incredibly hard sell.
€3 million of funding late, we talk about what has changed, and what hasn’t.
What you can do next:
- Watch the full video of Jenifer’s Inclusive Exec session.
- Learn more about unconscious bias: Language Bias: How Words Impact Your Influence
- Take action to promote inclusion: Even small steps can make a difference.
Is your team looking to increase diversity & inclusion?
Inclusive Matters can help.