INCMAT | D&I Solutions for Executive Leaders
Diversity & Inclusion Partners to industry leaders and global organizations

If You're Here
then chances are you’ve already heard of Chandre Torpet.
Or Perhaps
you’ve seen our D&I Ecosystem Model
(featured at Forbes Business Council).
If you are not quite sure
why you’re here, it’s okay
— Welcome!
You should know that you’re in good company
(actually, exceptional company)
I have had the pleasure of working with Chandre in preparing the Inclusive Workplace Strategy for UN City Copenhagen.
In the D&I space that can be difficult to navigate, Chandre provides equal measures of insight, patience and drive. She listens to understand and absorb input from colleagues and speaks the truth even on the most difficult of issues, thereby leading by example.
Chandre in an inclusive fashion adds perspective to and appreciation of a complex agenda that we should educate ourselves on. Why? Because when we know better, we can do better. Cheers, Chandre. I appreciate you and everything you do.
Nomadic Pro Danmark booked Chandre from Inclusive Matters in for an event we hosted in Odense.
Chandre came prepared and delivered an amazing lecture on Diversity and Inclusion. She managed to cater the lecture to the audience present, and presented a very well presentation on the importance of diversity in a Danish and worldwide setting.
We would definitely book Chandre again in the near future. Our audience left empowered, informed and ready to conquer the Danish job market.
Great job Chandre Torpet I learned so much from her in just one hour which was supposed to be 10 minutes.
This is what makes people #standout and #shine. Giving, being curios, not outspokenly in search of a #contact but #curious, #open and #consistent with their #values and #objectives.
I wish we had more Chandre Torpet : working so hard without #complaining about society, unfainess: simply #killing the #deadends and the #unparity #nogap #nosalarygap #gendergap #diversity matters with #culture. #knowledge is our #silksword #pinkhelmet .
Use it!
Yesterday to our #Goodclub about #Diversitet &#Inklusion we had the visit of mega inspiring Chandre Torpet (she/her)
Chandre inspired us all with her relevant, action-oriented and moving presentation, which specifically touched on how small acts of inclusion can ensure that we, as individuals and as companies, can reap the rewards of diversity
Thank you Chandre Torpet (she/her) For giving us sharp perspectives on Inclusion, and share of your own experiences and imparting to us ideas for the “Acts of Inclusion”
Super Presentation on today’s Goodtalks!
Chandre Torpet, the Founder & Director of Inclusive Matters presented at the Forbes Business Council Women Executives event on Diversity & Inclusion in Leadership.
During the session, Chandre effectively engaged with participants, enticing them to take notice of new ways to lead inclusively.
Chandre challenged us with perspectives of what constitutes diversity, and showcased the Inclusive Matters D&I Ecosystem Model, offering a clear structure to the various aspects of D&I in an organization.
Chandre Torpet, Chief Inclusion Officer at Inclusive Matters was our featured guest at ProWoc’s signature event, Exclusive Conversations.
Chandre spoke about knowing our influence and value in an authentic way that resonated with all present.”Chandre is a fantastic, charismatic woman with great energy”; “The session was very relevant and an eye-opener”; “I loved the career trajectory and reframing “different” as “unique””.
These were some of the reactions to her wise and thought provoking words delivered with excellent communication skills. We look forward to future collaboration with Inclusive Matters.
Chandre did a great job of bringing together diverse professionals at her Inclusive Matters networking meetings. She chose creative locations and thought-provoking speakers, and the atmosphere was friendly and positive.
Chandre also took on the role as one of the “sensitivity readers” on my book “Working with Danes: Tips for Americans.”
She pointed out several passages that could be improved when it came to diversity and inclusion, suggestions I found very helpful. I enjoy working with Chandre!
Chandre was raw and authentic in sharing her life experiences. Her perspectives gave us many points for reflection.
Inclusive Matters enabled our employees to connect our performance driven culture with an inclusive mindset. Thank you Chandre for your sharing!
It is not uncommon to have questions about D&I.
Let’s address a few before we talk.
01. How can we recruit more minorities into our company?
An inclusive recruitment process attracts diverse talent. Candidates share their positive candidate recruiting experience with their network, and underrepresented candidates have more touch points to diverse networks.
Build a more inclusive recruitment process with Inclusive Matters. Not only are we uniquely qualified to attract your senior talent, We provide organizations with capabilities to identify diverse candidate pools, inclusively interview candidates and gain valuable metrics from the candidates’ experience.
02. How do we engage our colleagues & leaders in discussions about Diversity & Inclusion?
With a structured approach, companies can define the Language and Common Ground they will use when they inclusively engage with their internal & external stakeholders. The inclusive vocabulary becomes a part of the organization culture and narrative.
Inclusive Matters provides the toolkit for teams to engage in critical conversations, constructive feedback processes, and solution mining. We continue past the inspiring “aha D&I moments”, to designing key actions that lead to measurable results
03. How Diverse and/or Inclusive is my company?
Having diverse people in an organization does not mean the company has an inclusive culture. Diversity is how companies measure difference – the number of women, foreigners, generations, etc in the work space.
Does the leadership team’s diversity mirror the diversity of the front line or entry level work force? Inclusive Matters assesses your Internal D&I Footprint, by measuring the presence of a wider array of demographic groups, than gender, nationality and generation. We also measure the inclusion engagement, which highlights patterns of experiences which can be opportunities for growth in your business
04. How can our company convincingly demonstrate its commitment to D&I?
A CEO’s statements about D&I, set the narrative for the organization. The authenticity of that commitment comes out in the actions that come with the leader’s statements.
We enter the D&I Ecosystem at Communication
INCMAT advises leaders on how to work their D&I plans and messaging through the organization, in a cohesive manner. Connected to the message are the initiatives/events that will also be highlighted internally and externally. External marketing will be aligned with internal pace of inclusion to ensure that what is said externally aligns with the internal engagement.
05. How do we retain our diverse senior talents?
It could be a noticeable absence when a diverse senior talent leaves your organization. And if there departure comes as a shock, a company is left without a pipeline of equally diverse talent.
We enter the D&I Ecosystem at Leadership
We remove exclusive and barrier building the “plug & play” model of new senior talent and help you identify the inclusive process for the new colleague that genuinely aligns with your company’s D&I journey.
Inclusive Matters helps you build strong inclusive onboarding and development plans for your senior leaders.
06. How do we connect D&I our company’s results?
Decentralized D&I initiatives and events can be spread across your organization without a clear goal.
Enter the D&I Ecosystem Model through Metrics
Connect metrics from all other factors of the D&I Ecosystem, weaving together the success stories, and identifying opportunities for growth.