DEI Discussions: 3 Ways Leaders Build Credibility

by | Feb 1, 2024 | DEI Executive Coaching | 0 comments

As a senior leader, how comfortable are you taking on DEI discussions in your company?

Our Diversity Footprint 2023 highlights that just over half of CEOs make statements about D&I. The potential for public criticism is enough to keep many top leaders tight-lipped about their company’s diversity. Yet the silence from companies also sends a signal that top leaders are too uncomfortable to engage with their staff, customers, suppliers and owners about this critical issue. An often heard concern from our clients is “What can I talk about that won’t land me in trouble?”

Approaching D&I discussions can be daunting, especially in open forums like annual general meetings or town hall gatherings. However, by following a few simple guidelines, you can navigate these D&I discussions with confidence and authenticity. Chandre Torpet, from Inclusive Matters, shares three easy ways to facilitate genuine and impactful D&I discussions.

  1. Share Real-World Examples
    Numbers and data are helpful, but real-life stories resonate more. Share examples of people positively impacted. Relatable narratives bring efforts to life and connect with the audience.
  2. Acknowledge D&I Champions
    Recognize individuals and teams advancing D&I. Highlight volunteers, champions, or department heads. Showcasing contributions demonstrates “walking the talk.”
  3. Invite Diverse Perspectives
    Step out of your comfort zone during D&I discussions. Invite the audience to share perspectives on solutions and improvements. Seeking diverse viewpoints shows curiosity and openness. It creates an inclusive environment valuing all voices. Initial silence is okay; it leaves an authentic impression.


These three steps are Acts Of Inclusion, are everyday gestures and behaviors that invite and welcome diverse perspectives into your organizational environment. 


Inclusive Matters:  Turn your D&I efforts into measurable business results.


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